The Beginning

On February 5, 1958, at the weekly meeting of the Student Board of George Pepperdine Collage, the Board unanimously approved and passed the charter of Sigma Pi Gamma, a new women's social club. The formal installation ceremony took place on February 15, at 3:30 p.m. in the President's home. The officers were officially installed and the club became an authorized group.

The first officers were Diane Benge, president; Llona Elford, vice-president; Norma Wade, secretary; Peggy Zorko, treasurer; Joan McGee, chaplain; Diane Kopan, historian; Cherryl Roberts, sergeant-at-arms.

The 15 charter members were: Diane Benge, Ellen Boros, Sue Carruth, Llona Elford, June Falls, Ann Harding, Carol Huff, Diane Kopan, Linda Leslie, Joan McGee, Beverly Muller, Edie Palmer, Cherryl Roberts, Norma Wade and Peggy Zorko.

This web site was designed and maintained by and for all members of Sigma Pi Gamma Sorority. All visitors are welcome and enjoy the memories ............



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